Lagos life


Hi guysss! 

I hope you are all doing well! So as you or may not know, Friday was Eid and I’ll just be sharing how it went with you guys 

This Eid ( Eid al-Adha) is know is the greater Eid ( the lesser Eid is the one done after Ramadan ) basically just to honor the willingness of Abraham to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to God. We all know how that story went which explains the significance of the Ram we kill. 

How my day went… 

I’m not sure if it’s just a family ritual or what we are actually supposed to do but we usually fast till we leave the praying ground. My mum had I almost missed the prayer but thank goodness we got there just in time. We prayed and listened to the Imam and we were on our way to celebrate with the extended family! 

The prayer ground usually looks a little like this

My mum went to my grandma’s ( her mum) and I went to my village AKA Ikorodu ( AKA badoo city ) and unfortunately I missed the actual killing of the Ram because I got there a little late. 

We had a lot of food ( we got rice, swallow, pepper soup, small chops , moi moi… you name ittttt 😂😂) and ofcourse plenty meat too. We had family and friends come over too to complete the merriment equation. 

This year I had my outfit all planned out in my head but looked like a disaster in reality but that’s fine, I made it work and I even had a second outfit but didn’t get to take good pictures with that one! Next year, I’m just going to stick to my Ankara and pray the tailor doesn’t show me pepper. 

So you guys, how did your Eid go? Where did you go and how many bowls of meat were you able to eat? (Don’t lie, God is watching) Comment down below!! 

Don’t forget to subscribe and share with everyone you know 


7 thoughts on “2017 EID IN LAGOS 

  1. Haha you didn’t look like a disaster at all, I like both outfits especially the way you tied your scarf in both. So lovely. I think maybe it’s a tradition as some of my non-Nigerian friends also fasted.

    I’m not Muslim but I did celebrate Eid with my Muslim friends, we had dinner at a nice Middle Eastern restaurant and just hung out afterwards. 🙂
    Coco Bella Blog


    1. Hiiii 👋🏾👋🏾 thank you, apparently I’m the only one that didn’t like my outfit lol and I’m glad you enjoyed yourself that day! Thanks for stopping by and your blog is amazinggg


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