

Hiii guyssssss

How did your week go? I spent most part of mine being homesick lol, the only thing keeping me sane is the fact that I have just 2 weeks of school left so let’s hope I don’t crumble till then! On a brighter note, Ramadan started but I have to study for my exam at the same time so it’s not so pretty lol but to my Muslim readers, RAMADAN MUBARAK GUYSSS and may Almighty Allah see all our efforts as acts of Ibadah! 

I remembered something that inspired this post so I’ll just share a tiny story before I get into it 

Dr Z performed a surgery and I was in the OR ( operating room) Few hours later;

 Dr Z: you were with me in the OR right? So what caused this this and this? You saw it, try and remember  (Student X who wasn’t in the OR with us enters the office ) 

Me: *gives two wrong answers* and while thinking of the last one, student X answers perfectly. 

This seems like something really tiny and right now I’m laughing at myself for feeling like shit when it happens but hey we all have those days or those periods when we obviously don’t feel good enough, when the feeling just creeps up from nowhere, could be in school, at work, in a relationship or even physically . 

In my case, I think mine has to do with the fact that I’ll be done with school soon and I’d actually be expected to know all these plenty plenty things uggh but anyway, this post about things to do to get rid of this feeling is for all of us because I know next week I’ll probably need my own advice again  

  1. If there’s a problem, identify it and look for ways to constantly improve.I feel like there’s a chance to improve on any aspect of your life if you put your mind to it and effort ofcourse. If you are a business owner and don’t feel like you are doing enough but can’t do online banking ,you are not utilizing any social media or you hardly advertise it, it’s only right you feel this way especially as you’ve not used up all your options. Look for ways to improve on the things you don’t like. You don’t feel beautiful because of your acne? Try new regimes or see a dermatologist. You are not encouraged by your grades? Try new reading methods, study for extra hours and so on. I know it’s not as simple as it seems but it’s a good way to start regardless. 
  2. If you constantly compare yourself/your journey to others, now is a good time to stop it. In this world ehn, we are all different and the only and best version of you is you literally. Everyone journey/ path is different. Mr A could become successful at 27 and die at 40 while Mrs B could become successful at 40 and live till 90 and more. It’s not the best example but you get the gist ( I hope, lol ) and as difficult as it might be, enjoy the process 
  3. Positive affirmations go a really long way. When I want to get into it, I’m the queen of this one lol. I mean, whenever you look into a mirror, tell yourself something nice. You are preparing for a difficult exam? give yourself a mental pep talk about how you will snatch the lecturer’s brain ( not literally ofcourse). You are to give the biggest presentation of your life at work? Tell your self you will kill it and work exactly towards that. You can even put up post-it notes around you containing positive affirmations, if you watch ‘Being Maryjane’ you’ll know what I mean 
  4. Stop being so hard on yourself. If you’ve considered the first point then you’ve just got to chill. The gag is, no one has it under control a hundred percent. Some days/periods are good and some are just bad. You have to go easy on yourself so you don’t cook up extra negative scenarios in your head. Life is stressful enough as it is, you’ve got to be your own cheerleader. 

After all said and done, if the above still looks like gibberish, the one thing to take away from this is that YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH, now spread your wings and fly! ( lol yes, I wanted to make the last statement cheesy 😂) 

Do you guys ever feel this way? What else do you guys do when you start to feel this way? Pls leave it in the comment section so that we can add it to our list!!

Ps: I might be MIA for a week or two because this exam is doing me strong thing and theses slides ain’t gon read themselves 🤷🏾‍♀️ but I shall be backkkkk 

Tola xx 

15 thoughts on “ ON NOT FEELING GOOD ENOUGH 

  1. Yo babes, keep flying, it’s a wonderful piece and you as a oerson(YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH)as the architect of this writeup which borders daily on all human lives.
    Keep it up, dig more,write more so that we can read more in order to create more awareness. 👍👍👍👍👍👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾.


      1. 👊👍👏🏾❤️👍🏽💗😍💞🍑🍎🍊💝🍐💕🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


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